Quote Father Ted="Father Ted"I'm pretty sure that at one meeting IL said he voted for an increase in the S Cap by the rate of inflation.
Trouble is IL is just so clued up that he leaves many for dead.
The trade press today is banging on about Mossop and Hock joining the exodus down under. What they seemed to have missed IMO is that IL has to all intents and purposes negotiated two loan deals. The Eels are paying £250k for two players on two year contracts, possible three, after which (we are informed) it is written in the contract they both return to Wigan. If those are not loan deals I don't know what are.'"
Then you don't know what loan deals are. The players are not contractually oblidged to Wigan [iunless[/i they return and even then I believe there is a limit on how long that applies for. You make it sound as if in two or three seasons they are contractually oblidged to up sticks and come back here. They are not. IF they come back in that time frame we have first refusal and this is not the same as what you say above and it certainly isn't a loan. If Mossop wants to stay there is nothing we can do about it and Hock will be ready for retirement anyway by then so for him this "loan" is really bye-bye and a transfer.
Quote Father TedAs has been said Ellis came back as did Morley. The Burgess brothers may stay but I feel sure Graham won't be there very long. The best bit is that IL has Mossop and Hock on loan deals.'"
And why do we want them to leave in the fist place? You seem to be missing this rather important point. SL as a competition would be better with them in it. If/when Sam goes it will be a loss that can't be made up by promises of a future return given we lose these players in their prime. The idea virtually the entire England team will be playing in the NRL is somehow good for the game is not a view I share. It will dilute our competition and if that results in a steady decline (as I believe it would) it won't be long before we aren't producing any players good enough to be tapped up by the NRL anyway.
It may be that is the economic reality of the situation that we lose these players in their prime but a possible future return is no compensation.
Quote Father TedHis change of policy when buying the club from bringing over Aussies to promoting from our academy system is a financial no brainer. No wonder he changed policy.'"
He hasn't got much choice and in any case he as much as anyone knows the draw top class overseas players have provided over the years and for the flops such as they have been players like Bell and Richards and many others have been fantastic additions to the squad. I'd like to think if he could afford to sign Billy Slater he would. If he would not because producing from the academy was cheaper I am sure Warrington and now Salford would happily step in had SL got the salary cap to allow it.
Quote Father TedThis past three years the club has made a profit and won silverware in those three years. Compare that to prior to him buying the place. The club accounts for the year prior to him buying Wigan RL were like a financial train crash.
I don't like the S Cap, in fact I detest it, it hasn't stopped clubs going broke which was it's original and sole purpose so I simply don't see the point in having a salary cap.'"
If we didn't have a salary cap Wigan would be left behind if IL wasn't able to or prepared to spend more money on players wages. That isn't an argument for the cap but against the notions you put forward that implies because he balanced the books and has stopped importing players (when in fact he just can't compete for them) it's job done.