Before tossing Bowen on the scrap heap one would do well to remember the hue-and-cry kicked up by a significant group of Leeds fans over Brent Webb's shaky performances throughout several seasons of SL.
Webb and Bowen were/are very similar players - not just physically, but their playing styles, defensive susceptibilities etc. And both were/are confidence players.
Many a time Brent Webb strung together some truly shambolic performances (especially in defence). But on form (which was more often than not) he provided a good deal of Leeds' attacking impetus - especially returning kicks or linking into the line.
To me Bowen is simply experiencing the same kind of performance trough. At his age it's not that he's that much less of a full back. I think that for players of Webb and Bowen's ilk as the years go by the variations in form grow wider.
I'm sure Wigan figured Bowen would go through occasional periods of bad form and have chosen simply to play through it. That would be the sensible option at this time of year in seasons past when nothing was really on the line. But given the new league format which sees the top four split away from the rest - the question of whether or not to continue with Bowen is that much tougher.
I honestly can't say whether I'd drop him or not. On the one hand, his game will undoubtedly improve with the weather. But given Wigan's current predicament it's a tough call whether it's worth gambling on his form over the crucially important short-term. I mean, if Wigan's forwards cannot find a way of imposing themselves upon the game you really are going to have to win matches purely with your back division (a key component of which is Bowen). Moreover, you can't also be conceding tries through poor defence. Tough call.
FWIW, I was looking through the SL stats table for something or another yesterday and was surprised to discover that Wigan are currently ranked #11 out of 12 on total yards and yardage/carry (second only to Catalans - which is even more suprising, given their enormous pack) - 6963 yards and 6.5 yards respectively.
Compare these figures with:
1. Leeds: 8370 - 6.96
2. Warrington: 7955 - 7.03
3. Widnes: 7812 - 7.04
4. Hull: 7678 - 6.69
5. Saints: 7668 - 7.11
The worrying thing here is that Wigan's average per carry has been inflated by players such as Burgess, Tomkins, Bateman etc. who literally chew up the field in lengthy 60, 70 and 80m breaks. Take these players out of the equation and that average drops off a cliff. I figured Leeds was just a very, very bad day for your front three but looking at the numbers it seems Leeds was fairly typical.
Listening to Shaun Wane's post-match interview I literally did a double-take when he said "We're not far away at all".