Quote tb="tb"Wow. The figure has raised by £50k and still no source for either the figure or the claim that it was a loan.
btw, as I understand it, Newmarket, if it happens - and the scheme of which it's a part of doesn't yet have even outline planning permission - will be owned by a third party, with Trinity as tenants. What exactly would Trinity offer as security for a loan? Their tenancy? Clearly not the stadium itself as it belongs to someone else – it would be like me offering a house I rent, which belongs to someone else, as security for a mortgage. I'd get laughed out.
bbtw, I hope Newmarket does happen. And that WTWRLFC are the anchor tenants of a community stadium.'"
It was a mistake, it was £700k I heard and my source is reputable but not for a message board.
I think it was the £350k Yorkcourt have an agreement to give them when they get PP, so yes, it is a gamble, but if the Crusaders rumour is true, then you can get the 'bigger gamble' with that! The Community Trust would own the stadium (that is not a secret at all) and they would set up an operating company to run the complex. Yorkcourt might even retain ownership of the land, and lease it to the Community Trust on a peppercorn 999 year lease, while ever there is a stadium and business to run it.
It is looking ever more likely Newmarket will happen, the warehousing is looking highly likely, so the stadium is the fight now. Wakefield confirming that it is viable playing in NL1 is a big boost as well, but that is understandable because it will be debt free from the start and brand new!