Quote nickcat0="nickcat0"For me there can be only one answer, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jarrod McCracken saying hello to Dean Bell.'"
Always thought that tackle was overrated as a 'hit'. Bell was slammed to the floor but it was more the manner of the collision and smash to the floor that did the damage. Great and damaging collision, but not a classic 'hit'. Plus I think Saints fans love it all the more because it was Bell. It's on YouTube.
As much as it pains me, Anderson on Tickle was a belter.
Tommy on Mary. Mary's pained expression said it all.
Karl Harrison on Ian Roberts on the 1994 Ashes tour is one of my favourites. Roberts out cold and had to leave the field and Harrison was roaring with laughter even before the tackle was complete.
Guttenbeil on Catic, as SFW mentioned.
Had a few at my own team last year. We've got a particularly sizeable prop around 6'1" and 20 stone, heavily muscled but not particularly ripped. He's put a few big ones in - towards the end of last year one lad threw himself at him, his head hit our prop's shoulder and he was out cold for 5 minutes. Another time he took a drive and a brave but much smaller lad went for him and ended up cold for a few seconds, and then lay there gibbering and wailing as though possessed for about 5 minutes before being carried off. That was actually quite disturbing.